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Research Services

We conduct research that helps to streamline aid distribution to people in need in developing countries. Our objective is to ensure that the people who need aid receive it and that it is put to effective use.

Research Proposal and Design
Open Source Data Collection
Quantitative and/or Qualitative Data Analysis
Data Collection Strategizing
On Site Field Data Collection

~ Surveys

~ Interviews

~ Direct Observation


~ Research Articles and White Paper Reports

~ Video Documentaries

~ Presentations

~ Seminar Training and Instruction

~ Experimental Models

Examples of topics our researchers have worked on include but are not limited to:

  1. Understanding the social organizations and associated cultural mindsets of food producers in different parts of the world so that farming aid delivered can be put to the most effective use.

  2. Helping to uncover alternative or forgotten food production strategies that may accommodate a people’s way of life

  3. Assessing the growth and sustainability of security forces on different levels—from national level to a local level

  4. Analyzing the factors behind the varying success of security forces on different levels

  5. Promoting and facilitating cultural heritage protection, preservation, restoration, and education with the primary purpose of building regional civilian solidarity.  through educating locals of their common heritage. 

  6. Locating, identifying, assessing and surveying historic and archaeological sites that could potentially be classified as cultural heritage sites with the purpose of bringing international attention and potentially funding to certain regions. 

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